
Orientation Icon

The first step to join the Self-Determination Program is to go to an orientation. Some regional centers have their own orientations, or you can go to the Self-Determination Program Orientation held by the State Council of Developmental Services (SCDD).

You must attend the entire orientation to receive a certificate.

Attend Online with the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)

The State Council of Developmental Disabilities offers a live, statewide orientation that you can attend on their website. All regional centers accept this certificate.

Click here to go to the SCDD Orientation Page:

Or attend an orientation at your regional center

Alta (ACRC)

Central Valley (CVRC)

East Bay (RCEB)

Eastern LA (ELARC)

Far Northern (FNRC)

Golden Gate (GGRC)

Harbor (HRC)

Inland (IRC)

Kern (KRC)

Lanterman (FDLRC)

North Bay (NBRC)

North LA County (NLACRC)

Orange County (RCOC)

Redwood Coast (RCRC)

San Andreas (SARC)

San Diego (SDRC)

San Gabriel/Pomona (SGPRC)

South Central LA (SCLARC)

Tri-Counties (TCRC)

Valley Mountain (VMRC)

Westside (WRC)

Once you get your orientation certificate, send a copy to your service coordinator. Now is a good time to ask for a report on your spending from last year. Your new budget will be based on what you spent last year. But don’t worry if you did not use many services in the last year, we will talk more about this in the budget section.

Next step: Finding Transition Supports