Once in SDP

Ongoing services - SDP Participants

Congratulations, you are in the Self-Determination program! Your Financial Management Service (FMS) has your spending plan and your authorizations are in place. How do you access services and hire employees? This is different at every FMS. But there are some general things you should know.

Updating Spending Plans

You are able to move money in your spending plan whenever you need to. Here are some specifics:

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Moving money to items that are already on your spending plan:

  • Same service code: the Financial Management Service can do this without the regional center updating the accounts. It is still recommended to send a copy of the updated spending plan to your service coordinator for their records. 
  • Different service code within same budget category: Do not need approval from regional center but will need to notify them because they will have to update the accounts.
  • Different service code in a different budget category: Can move up to 10% between budget categories without approval from the regional center but you will need to notify them because they will have to update the accounts. If it is more than that you will need to contact your service coordinator to discuss changes.
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Adding something new to your spending plan

  • If you want to add something new to your spending plan you will need to talk to your service coordinator so they can verify the new item.

Here is a list of service codes and how they are grouped into budget categories:


Finding Employees:

Self-Determination is all about making choices—you decide who you spend time with and who helps you. That means you are in charge of finding your own helpers. This is good because you get to choose, but it can be a bit scary at first. Independent Facilitators can help you start, and it gets easier with practice. Ways to find helpers:

  • Post an online ad (like on Indeed.com or care.com)
  • Post at local schools (colleges or even grade schools)
  • Hire friends or family (but parents can’t be paid to work for their minor kids)
  • Ask at your church or social groups
  • Attend your SDP local advisory committee and meet others in SDP
  • Ask on local group pages
  • Post at places you like to go (like a Starbucks bulletin board if you want someone to go out for coffee with you). Look for someone who shares your interests.

Onboarding Employees:

When you hire a new helper, they need to fill out some forms with the Financial Management Service. You might have to sign some papers too as their boss. Ask your financial management service how their process works.

Background Checks:

In California, anyone who helps with personal care needs a background check. If you use the co-employer model, most Financial Management Services (FMS) want all helpers to have a background check, even if they don’t do personal care. If you are in the sole employer model, you can decide if you want background checks for helpers who don’t do personal care. 

The FMS will give you the paperwork and information on how to do this. The employee is required to pay for the background check. 

Financial Management Service will determine if someone is an employee or independent contractor.

California has strict rules for this, and an employee can’t just choose on their own. There’s a test called the ABC test that helps decide. Employees fill out timesheets, and taxes are taken out of their pay. Independent contractors send invoices and don’t have taxes taken out. If you’re not sure, ask your financial management service for help.

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Monthly Reports:

Financial Management Services must give you a monthly spending report. It’s important to check it and track your spending. If you overspend, your budget won’t be increased unless there’s a big change or unmet need.

SDP gives you freedom, but also responsibility. Make sure your providers are paid. Move money in your spending plan early if needed, so you don’t run out in a service code.

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Annual Rollover:

Each year, you’ll have a meeting to set your budget and make a spending plan for the next year. It’s also a good time to look at last year’s person-centered plan and see if you need any changes. Look at last year’s goals and decide if they should be updated.

Start early! Send your updated plan to the regional center three months before your rollover date and request a budget meeting.

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Paying for goods and local businesses:

Each Financial Management Service (FMS) has its own way of paying for things. Check their rules to make sure they can pay for what you need. Talk to different FMS providers to find the one that works best for you.

Remember, the FMS must pay for services the same way local businesses usually do, according to the Department of Developmental Services Directive dated December 26, 2023. This directive states, “Payments for these services shall be aligned with the typical processes used by local businesses or community resources.”  

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Budget Updates

You can request an update to your budget if you have a change in circumstance or a new unmet need. Contact your Service Coordinator if you believe your budget should be updated.

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Service Agreements

It is important that you have a written agreement with the services and employees that you hire. Some of the services that you choose will have their own service agreements that you can use.  For your employees, you should have an agreement that outlines the rate you will pay them, the hours they will work, the duties that will be required, their start date, and outline benefits if they are included.  In the co-employer model, the Financial Management Service is their employer of record and they will have employee agreements. For the sole-employer model, you will want to ask your FMS if they have a service agreement template as part of their employee packet.