Transition Supports

Transition Supports Icon

What are Transition Supports?

The regional center will pay for transition supports, so you don’t have to pay for them yourself. You are still a client of the regular regional center services until you switch to the Self-Determination Program (SDP). There are two kinds of transition support: Person-Centered Planning and Self-Directed Supports. The people who help with these services are usually called Independent Facilitators (IF). Independent Facilitators can also help you after you are in the program.

Person Centered Planner Icon

Person-Centered Planner

After orientation, you will choose your transition support and start your person-centered plan. Not all Independent Facilitators can help with person-centered plans, so be sure to ask them. Person-Centered Planners don’t need to be approved by your regional center. They get paid after they finish the plan and turn it in. Some regional centers require a form before starting, so check with your service coordinator. The planner can bill the regional center up to $1,000.

The next section, we will explain what a person-centered plan is and what the planner does.

Self-Directed Supports Icon

Self-Directed Supports

After your person-centered plan is finished, a Self-Directed Support person will help you with the rest of the transition. They will assist with your budget meetings, ensure your plan goals are included in the IPP, and help you choose the right financial management service. They will also help you create your spending plan and should know about services in your area. They will help set up your financial management service and make sure your current service providers are ready before the transition, so you don’t have a gap in services. They can also help with getting new services and employees set up. Your financial management service will handle background checks and paperwork. Finally, your Self-Directed Support person will make sure everything is ready for your transition day, including authorizations for services.

Once you pick your Self-Directed Support person, tell your service coordinator. Together, you’ll add this service to your IPP, just like adding any other service. You can have up to 40 hours of support, but this can be adjusted if needed. The rate is about $50/hour, depending on your regional center.

Independent Facilitator Icon

Independent Facilitator

Once you are in the Self-Determination Program, you can keep getting help from Independent Facilitators (IFs). IFs don’t need to be approved by the regional center and are paid by your financial management service. You and your IF should agree on what they will do for you and decide on a payment rate because there isn’t a set rate. Not all IFs offer the same services, so choose one that meets your needs.

IFs don’t need a certification right now, but they should know about regional center services, self-determination, and other resources like school districts and In-Home Support Services. They can also help manage staff and hire employees if you need it. Remember, you’re paying for their expertise, so make sure they’re right for the job. Your budget won’t increase to pay for an IF, so it might be cheaper to have one of your employees manage some tasks instead.

Each year, on the anniversary of your start date, you’ll update your person-centered plan, review your budget, and create a new spending plan. It’s a good idea to have an IF help you, especially during the first year, until you feel comfortable doing it on your own.

You don’t have to use just one IF. You can have different IFs for different tasks. Your IF can’t provide any other services on your spending plan, and you don’t have to pay them anything extra. All their fees are covered through the spending plan.

More on Independent Facilitators

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Selecting Independent Facilitators

Roles and Qualifications

How Independent Facilitators get paid

Find your Independent Facilitator

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Independent Facilitator Search

Disability Voices United providers directory:

Coming soon

The SDP Network website:

SCDD list for Los Angeles County:

Independent Facilitator Questions Icon

Interviewing an Independent Facilitator

We offer a list of possible questions you can ask your Independent Facilitator when interviewing them to see if they are the right choice for you.

Who Cannot be paid as an Independent Facilitator?

Who Cannot Be Paid Icon


  • Parents of their own minor children
  • Spouse of participant
  • Service Coordinators


Next step: Create a Person-Centered Plan