Get Started

Step-by-Step Path to the Self-Determination Program

Step 1: Attend an Orientation

Attend an orientation with your regional center or online with the State Council of Developmental Disabilities (SCDD).

Step 2: Select Transition Supports

The regional center pays for your transition support. The participant may choose who will assist them. These support providers are often called Independent Facilitators.

Step 3: Person-Centered Plan

The person-centered plan (PCP) is the foundation of your self-determined life.  A person-centered plan focuses on what you want to do. The plan creates a roadmap for getting there by creating goals.  

Step 4: Individual Budget

The Self-Determination Program offers individuals a budget based on past regional center spending, unmet needs, or changes in circumstances.

Step 5: Spending Plan

The spending plan shows how you will use your money in the self-determination program. This is where Self-Determination comes alive! This is your action plan on how you are going to meet your goals.  

Step 6: Financial Management Service

The Financial Management Service (FMS) pays for your services and supports in the SDP program. They are your partner, so it is important to find the right one for your needs. This is the only required vendored service in SDP.

Step 7: Transition Individualized Program Plan (IPP) and Enter the Program

You are almost there! These are some of the last items to do to finish your transition. 

Printable SDP Transition Check-List

First Step: Attend Orientation